
  • Ribolla Piccola


  • In the early decades of the last century, this variety experienced a decline in popularity due to its reputation for producing low-quality wine.

  • However, this may have been attributed to inadequate viticultural practices at the time. Despite this setback, the grape itself is robust and prolific, ripening early in the season.

  • Currently, there are no DOC or DOCG wines that specifically include this grape variety in their regulations. Nonetheless, its resilience and early ripening nature suggest its potential for quality winemaking under the right conditions and with modern viticultural techniques.

Vernaccina, a lesser-known grape variety, may be included in IGT wine blends in Emilia, Forlì, Ravenna and Rubicone. 

Visual Flavour Profiles:

Green Apple
Green Apple
White Florals
White Florals
Green Pear
Green Pear

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