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  • Favorita
  • Furmentin
  • Garbesso
  • Malvasia
  • Malvoisie de Corse
  • Malvoisie à Gros Grains
  • Malvoisie du Duoro
  • Pigato
  • Rolle
  • Sapaiola
  • Verlantin
  • Verlentin
  • Vermentino di Gallura
  • Vermentinu


  • Recent genetic analysis suggests that Favorita from Piedmont and Pigato from western Liguria may indeed be biotypes of the versatile Vermentino grape.

  • Despite the lingering uncertainties surrounding this intriguing variety, there is unanimous consent on one crucial aspect: Vermentino possesses the potential to yield exceptional wines of remarkable quality. Moreover, it holds significant economic importance for the numerous families engaged in its cultivation and winemaking endeavors.

  • Vermentino thrives under specific environmental conditions, showcasing its best attributes in soils with limited fertility. Its remarkable adaptability is further evidenced by its resilience to the bracing influence of salty marine winds and arid climates. Such characteristics underscore the grape’s enduring appeal and its capacity to flourish in diverse terroirs, contributing to its enduring legacy in the world of viticulture and oenology.

Map of historic hometown

Vermentino yields wines of great heft and opulence, boasting a luscious texture imbued with saline undertones and a luxuriously creamy mouthfeel. Delicate fragrances waft from the glass, weaving a tapestry of apricot, peach, and ripe Golden Delicious apple, enveloped in an ethereal veil of musky florals.

The vinification process, influenced by factors such as berry ripeness, oak treatment, and variations in soil and climate, imparts a myriad of nuances to Vermentino wines. For estates seeking to enhance texture and richness, extended aging on the lees, accompanied by judicious bâtonnage, offers a pathway to crafting wines of distinct character and style.

Meanwhile, the spectrum of Vermentino wines spans a wide gamut, from light and vibrant to structured and robust. Each sip unveils a kaleidoscope of aromas and flavors, ranging from zesty citrus to lush tropical fruits, interwoven with delicate floral hints of acacia and aromatic herbal notes of rosemary and thyme. Yet, amidst this diversity, a hallmark saline essence on the finish remains a steadfast signature of Vermentino’s terroir-driven expression.

Visual Flavour Profiles:

Green Apple
Green Apple
Lemon Zest
Lemon Zest
Mixed Citrus Fruits
Mixed Citrus Fruits

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