Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso

COLOUR: Red Synonym(s): Rifòsc dal Pecòl Rosso Pronunciation: /refˈosko dˈel pedˈunkolo rˈos͡so/   Voice File: Interesting Facts: Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, probably Friuli Venezia Giulia‘s best-known red grape variety, was first differentiated in literature in 1877. It stands out from the myriad Refoscos because it ripens one to two weeks earlier and is distinguished […]

Refosco Bianco

Pronunciation: /refˈosko bjˈanko/   Voice File: Synonym(s): N/A COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Refosco Bianco is entirely unrelated to any of the other Refosco varieties. This unique grape was only identified through ampelographic and genetic analysis in 2004, highlighting its distinct heritage. Today, the existence of Refosco Bianco is limited, with only a few sporadic […]

Raboso Veronese

Pronunciation: /rabˈozo veronˈeze/   Voice File: Synonym(s): Rabosa Raboso di Verona Raboso Friularo COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Raboso Veronese was long misidentified not only with its namesake, Raboso Piave, but also with Refosco and Fortana. Although morphologically similar to Raboso Piave, Raboso Veronese is distinct both isoenzymatically and genetically. The variety is sensitive to […]

Raboso Piave

Pronunciation: /rabˈozo pjˈave/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Friulara di Bagnoli Friularo Raboso del Piave Raboso Nostrano COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Raboso Piave is one of Italy’s oldest grape varieties, with historical references dating back to the 13th century. A document from 1868 reveals that a family named De Vindimian transported Raboso Piave from Friuli Venezia […]


Pronunciation: /kwaʎˈano/ Voice File: Synonym(s): N/A COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Quagliano is one of Italy’s least-known grape varieties and is a possible parent of Impigno from Puglia. Though its production was documented in the 18th century, it likely dates back to the 1600s when it was known as Negro Dolce. Quagliano has long been […]


Pronunciation: /pʊɲitˈɛllo/ Voice File: Synonym(s): N/A COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Pugnitello has only recently emerged on the Italian wine scene, yet it has already garnered significant attention. The variety’s name draws from its tightly packed clusters, evoking the image of a closed fist (“pugno” means fist in Italian). Its presence was virtually unknown until […]


Pronunciation: /primitˈivo/   Voice File: Synonym(s): Crljenak Kaštelanski Kratošija Morellone Pribidrag Primaticcio Trebidrag Uva di Corato Zagarese Zinfandel COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: In Italy, this grape variety is known as Primitivo due to its early ripening characteristics. The name Primitivo finds its roots in Latin “primitives” and the Italian “primaticcio”, both signifying the notion […]

Prié Rouge

Pronunciation: /pʁiˈe ʁˈuʒ/   Voice File: Synonym(s): Prëmetta Primetta COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Throughout Italy, it’s affectionately known as Prëmetta. Primetta, as it’s officially recognized, emerges from a natural union between Prié Blanc and another mysterious parent. While relatively scarce in modern times, historical records from 1877 reveal its significant presence, comprising 40% of […]

Prié Blanc

Pronunciation: /priˈe blˈank/   Voice File: Synonym(s): Blanc de Valdigne Agostenga COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Prié is an exclusive inhabitant of mountain top vineyards, its presence dating back to the 18th century as recorded by the esteemed Horace Bènèdict de Saussure. Thriving in these lofty altitudes, Prié often relies on grafted vines, benefiting from […]


Pronunciation: /pinˈɛlla/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Mattozza Pinela Pinjela Pinola COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Pinella is an ancient variety with a rich history dating back to the 13th century, prominent along the Adriatic coast. It finds mention in the statutes of the city of Vicenza as early as 1264. Interestingly, contemporary producers often opt for […]

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