
Pronunciation: /semˈidano/ Voice File:   Synonym(s): Arvusiniagu Laconarzu Migiu Semidamu Semidanu COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Semidano, a grape with a rich historical legacy, has been traditionally interplanted with Nuragus, reflecting a longstanding viticultural tradition in Sardinia. Despite its historical importance, Semidano remains a rare find, cultivated across a mere fifty hectares, predominantly clustered around […]


Pronunciation: /ʃimˈiʃa/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Çimixâ Frate Pelato Genovese Raisin Génois Rossala Bianca Simixà COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: In a tale of preservation and passion, the 1970s marked a critical juncture for Scimiscia’. It teetered on the brink of extinction until a culinary artisan named Marco Bacigalupo stepped in. Hailing from the town of […]


Pronunciation: /skjopːetːˈino/ Voice File:   Synonym(s): Pocalza Poçalza Pokalca Ribolla Nera COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Schiopettino, up until 1976, faced stringent regulations imposed by the local government of Prepotto, which essentially restricted its cultivation. Despite these legal hurdles, Schiopettino has found its niche in the Colli Orientali del Friuli, also occasionally recognized under the […]

Schiava Nera

Pronunciation: /skjˈava nˈera/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Schiava Lombarda COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Schiava Nera finds its primary habitat along the shores of Lake Garda in Lombardy, where it flourishes amidst the region’s stunning landscapes. Renowned for its robust vine growth and late ripening, Schiava Nera shares these attributes with its Schiava counterparts. Presently, there […]

Schiava Grossa

Pronunciation: /skjˈava ɡrˈɔs͡sa/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Black Hamburg Blauer Trollinger Bresciana Bressana Frankenthaler Grossvernatsch Kleinvernatsch Meraner Kurtraube Schiavone Trollinger Tschaggele Uva Meranese COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Schiava Grossa is the highest-yielding variety among the Schiavas. It is one of the parents of Madeleine Royale, making it a grandparent of Müller-Thurgau, one of the world’s […]

Schiava Grigia

Pronunciation: /skjˈava ɡrˈid͡ʒa/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Cenerina Grauervernatsch Grauvernatsch COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Once considered the finest of all the Schiava varieties, Schiava Grigia was renowned for producing the most intriguing wines. It differs from Schiava Gentile in several ways: it has a larger, pentagonal leaf, is more vigorous, and boasts a less compact, […]

Schiava Gentile

Pronunciation: /skjˈava d͡ʒentˈile/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Schiava Piccola Rothervernatsch Edelvernatsch COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Schiava Gentile, often referred to as Schiava Piccola because of its small bunches, has intriguing genetic ties to several other grape varieties. It appears to be closely related to certain Moscato varieties, suggesting a shared lineage or common ancestry. Additionally, […]


Pronunciation: /sand͡ʒovˈeze/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Brunello Brunelletto Cacchiano Calabrese Chiantino Corinto Nero Guarnacciola Liliano Morellino  Niella Nielluccio Prugnolo Dolce Prugnolo Gentile Putanella San Gioveto Sangiogheto Sangiovese Grosso Sangiovese Piccolo Sangioveto Tabernello Toustain Tuccanese Vigna del Conte Vigna Maggio COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Sangiovese stands as Italy’s most prevalent red grape, occupying a place among […]


Pronunciation: /saɡrantˈino/ Voice File: Synonym(s): N/A COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: The precise origins of the grape variety and its nomenclature remain shrouded in mystery. Renowned for its formidable tannic structure, Sagrantino stands as Italy’s foremost red wine in terms of tannins. Similar to Amarone, Sagrantino was predominantly crafted as a sweet elixir in its […]


Pronunciation: /rˈud͡ʒːine/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Ruginoa Ruzninteina COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: The name “Ruggine” stems from the berries’ distinctive rusty brown hue when fully ripened (with “ruggine” translating to “rust” in English). This unique variety is cultivated on only a handful of hectares, primarily concentrated in Emilia-Romagna, particularly near the town of Rubbiara. Where […]

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