Malvasia Istriana

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia istriˈana/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Istrska Malvazija Malvasia del Carso Malvasia Friulana COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Malvasia Istriana has left its mark on Friuli Venezia Giulia since as far back as the 13th century. Genetically linked to esteemed varieties like Malvasia di Lipari, Malvasia Bianca Lunga, and Malvasia Nera di Brindisi, it also […]

Malvasia di Schierano

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia dˈi skjˈɛrano/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Malvasia a Grappolo Corto Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: First documented in Piedmont during the 19th century by Leardi and De Maria, Malvasia di Schierano stands as a grape of superior quality, albeit with greater complexity and challenges. This varietal is renowned for […]

Malvasia di Lipari

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia dˈi lˈiparɪ/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Greco Bianco di Gerace Greco di Gerace Malmsey Malvagia Malvasia Cândida Mavasija Dubrovačka COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Wine from the Malvasia di Lipari variety appears to have been produced since at least the first century BCE; it was well described by Cupani already in 1696 (he called […]

Malvasia di Casorzo

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia kozˈard͡zo/ Voice File: Synonym(s): N/A COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: The roots of Malvasia di Casorzo in Piedmont potentially date back to 1875. This aromatic grape variety is characterized by its robust berries and profoundly fragrant pulp. To fully realize its aromatic potential, Malvasia di Casorzo requires careful vineyard management, including precise pruning […]

Malvasia di Candia Aromatica

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia dˈi kˈandia aromˈatika/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Malvasia Bianca di Candia Aromatica Malvasia di Alessandria Malvasia a Sapore Moscato COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Distinct from the non-aromatic variety, Malvasia Bianca di Candia, Malvasia di Candia Aromatica stands as a high-quality aromatic grape. Hailing predominantly from the Emilia region of Emilia-Romagna, Malvasia di Candia […]

Malvasia del Lazio

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia dˈel lˈat͡sio/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Malvasia col Puntino Malvasia Gentile Malvasia Puntinata COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: In 2011, amendments to the legal requirements for making Frascati and Frascati Cannellino were implemented, stipulating that the blend must consist of a minimum of 70% Malvasia del Lazio. This adjustment aimed to incentivize vineyard plantings […]

Malvasia Bianca Lunga

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia bjˈanka lˈuŋɡa/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Malvasia del Chianti Malvasia Bianca Lunga Toscana Krizol Menuetta Pavlos Tundulillu Bianco Višana COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Malvasia Bianca Lunga stands as one of the parents, alongside Garganega, of Italy’s esteemed laboratory crossing, Incrocio Bianco Fedit 51. Additionally, it has been found to share close genetic ties […]

Malvasia Bianca di Candia

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia bjˈanka dˈi kˈandia/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Malvasia Bianca Malvasia Candia Malvasia di Candia Malvasia Rossa COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: Candia derives its name from the ancient Latin term for Crete, reflecting its historical connection to the island. Occasionally, Malvasia Bianca di Candia is referred to as Malvasia Rossa, not due to the […]

Malvasia Bianca

Pronunciation: /malvazˈia bjˈanka/ Voice File: Synonym(s): N/A COLOUR: White Interesting Facts: The grape remains enigmatic, with scant information available about its origins and characteristics. While Malvasia Moscata, prevalent in Piedmont, and Puglia‘s Malvasia Bianca share delightful musky and aromatic qualities, the resulting wines from Puglia often lack the expected aromatic intensity. This discrepancy may […]

Malbo Gentile

Pronunciation: /mˈalbo d͡ʒentˈile/ Voice File: Synonym(s): Amabile di Genova Tubino Turbino COLOUR: Red Interesting Facts: Malbo Gentile exhibits a striking resemblance to wild grapevines, evoking an air of mystery surrounding its precise origins. While its exact lineage remains elusive, historical records trace its presence in the Emilia region of Emilia-Romagna as far back as […]

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