
  • Pampanino
  • Rizzulo
  • Pampanuta


  • Pampanuto has long been revered for its ability to accumulate ample sugar, resulting in wines with notable alcohol levels that are highly esteemed.
  • Despite its renown, little is documented regarding the history or origins of Pampanuto.
  • This grape variety is celebrated for its reliability and prolific yields, yielding abundant juice.
  • However, the resulting wines typically exhibit low acidity and sugar concentrations, showcasing its consistent yet distinctive character.

Throughout past centuries, Pampanuto primarily served as a blending component, prized for its ability to yield large volumes of wines with a predominantly neutral character. However, due to its tendency to oxidize, Pampanuto wines are best enjoyed promptly after bottling. While monovarietal bottlings are exceptionally rare, when blended with Bombino Bianco, they contribute to the creation of light and delicate wines prized for their subtlety and finesse.

Visual Flavour Profiles:

Green Apple
Green Apple
Green Pear
Green Pear
Mixed Citrus Fruits
Mixed Citrus Fruits
Jasmine Flower
Jasmine Flower
Honeysuckle flower
Honeysuckle flower
Fresh Cut Herbs
Fresh Cut Herbs

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