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Greco di Tufo DOCG

  • Campania
  • Vineyard Area: 677,87 Hectares 
  • Year Appellation Started: 2003
  • Appellation Last modified: 2014
  • Sparkling
  • White (Bianco)
  • Sparkling: minimum 85% Greco + maximum 15% Coda di Volpe. Minimum 36 months on lees.
  • Still White Wine: minimum 85% Greco + maximum 15% Coda di Volpe. Minimum 12 months of ageing for Riserva. 
  • Total Production: 36.659 Hectolitres
  • White Wine: 100%
  • The wine is produced in the province of Avellino, particularly around the town of Tufo, which gives the wine its name. The area is part of the larger Irpinia wine region, known for its volcanic soils and hilly terrain.
  • The vineyards in the Tufo area benefit from volcanic soils rich in minerals, particularly sulfur. These soils contribute to the wine’s distinctive minerality and complexity.
  • The climate is influenced by its elevation (400-700 meters above sea level) and the nearby Apennine Mountains. This results in a wide temperature range between day and night, which helps maintain the grape’s acidity and aromatic profile.

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