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Tintore di Tramonti

  • Cannamelu
  • Guarnaccia
  • Tintora
  • Tintore


  • Tintore di Tramonti stands as another example of teinturier grapes, named for their exceptionally pigmented juice.
  • Genetically intertwined with other lesser-known Campania varieties like Livella Ischia and Mangiaguerra, as well as a distinct Tintiglia variant separate from the more renowned Tintilia of Molise, Tintore di Tramonti holds its own unique place.
  • The name itself pays homage to the picturesque village of Tramonti, nestled amidst the stunning vistas of the Amalfi Coast.

Only ten thousand bottles of monovarietal Tintore have graced the shelves thus far. Beyond its profound coloration, these wines unveil delightful scents of ripe red cherry, almost reaching a jammy, spiced essence. However, their elevated acidity ensures they never veer into the realm of heaviness or cloying sweetness. Often slightly air-dried, the grapes yield tannins of remarkable smoothness, contributing to the overall finesse of the wine.

Visual Flavour Profiles:

Black Cherries
Black Cherries
Spice bowl
Spice bowl

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