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Malvasia di Casorzo


  • The roots of Malvasia di Casorzo in Piedmont potentially date back to 1875. This aromatic grape variety is characterized by its robust berries and profoundly fragrant pulp.
  • To fully realize its aromatic potential, Malvasia di Casorzo requires careful vineyard management, including precise pruning to tame its vigorous growth.
  • Thriving in mineral-rich soils, especially those infused with iron, such as clay-loamy compositions, it not only wards off chlorosis but also elevates its aromatic complexity, resulting in wines of unparalleled fragrance and depth.

Malvasia di Casorzo stands as a testament to the mastery of off-dry to sweet wine production, showcasing a tannic backbone adorned with a refined acidity. While it may not dazzle with the same explosive aromatic charm as its counterpart, Malvasia di Schierano, it enthralls with its sophisticated complexity. With every sip, it unfurls a rich tapestry of flavors, where ripe blackberry and indulgent blackcurrant jam pirouette across the palate in a delightful dance. Occasionally, a teasing whisper of chocolate emerges, casting a spell of opulence and allure, further enriching the wine’s profound depth and intrigue.

Visual Flavour Profiles:

Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate

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