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  • Foja Tonda
  • Lambrusco a Foglia Frastagliata
  • Lambrusco Nostrano


  • By the end of the 1800s, annual production of Enantio surpassed thirteen thousand hectoliters.

  • In Trentino and Veneto, Enantio is predominantly referred to as Lambrusco a Foglia Frastagliata.

  • Enantio is renowned for its vigor and reliability as a producer.

This wine presents itself as bright and juicy, boasting a subtle yet notable concentration of red berry flavors intertwined with delicate herbal undertones. Its pronounced acidity lends freshness, while its rich mouthfeel offers a hint of herbal notes on the finish.

Visual Flavour Profiles:

Fresh Cut Herbs
Fresh Cut Herbs
Fresh Plums
Fresh Plums
Bowl of Cranberries

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