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Terre Tollesi or Tullum DOCG

  • Abruzzo
  • Vineyard Area: 4,07 Hectares 
  • Year Appellation Started: 2019
  • Appellation Last modified: 2019
  • Sparkling
  • White (Bianco)
  • Rosso (Red)
  • Total Production: 87 Hectolitres
  • Sparkling Wine: N/A
  • White Wine: N/A
  • Red Wine: N/A
  • Tullum DOCG is situated in the province of Chieti, within the Abruzzo region of central Italy. The area encompasses the small town of Tollo and its surrounding areas, which are known for their rich viticultural traditions.
  • The viticulture in Tollo dates back to ancient times. The name “Tullum” itself is derived from the Latin name for Tollo, highlighting its long-standing connection to winemaking.
  • The Tullum DOCG covers a relatively small area, making the wines produced here quite exclusive. The limited production area allows for greater control over the quality and characteristics of the wines.

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